As a leader in delivering amateur and high performance sport to Calgarians, Repsol Sport Centre is proud to honour its athletes with a total of $16,250 this year, funded by The John Currie Amateur Sport Legacy Fund. Under careful deliberation and criteria examination, the LPSS Bursary Committee designated 18 amateur athletes to be recognized and financially rewarded for outstanding athletic achievement in support of their future training and competition goals. The honourees are a mix of Olympic hopefuls, veterans and up and comers, representing 8 sports. There are 5 men and 13 women ranging from 13 to 37 years. Further, 83% of the recipients train 19 hours a week or more, and proudly call Repsol Sport Centre their home.
2020 will be a year remembered like no other. What started as a normal year changed rapidly in mid-March into one of the most challenging years Repsol Sport Centre (RSC) and Lindsay Park Sports Society (LPSS) has faced in its long history.
The pandemic has had a profound and lasting impact on the Centre and LPSS. Like many other sectors, sport and physical activity was hit hard by Covid 19 and the Centre faced two facility closures along with multiple restrictions, and at times, relaxations. Each change led to a rethink on how best to support customers, sport partners, staff and other stakeholders – with almost every decision driven by purpose over profit, and all decisions guided by the organization’s primary value of safety.
Yet through it all, with the expert leadership of Board and staff, RSC and the LPSS found a way to not only adapt, but to persevere and grow, showcasing the strength and depth of RSC’s management team and Board of Governors. In a year where the facility was closed for almost as long as it was opened, the LPSS and RSC managed to advance many worthwhile projects. These projects included, among others, initiation of a strategic planning process, advancement of the Legacy Project to enhance and expand the facility, review and enhancement of the Governor candidate generation process and an upgrade of the Facility Management Software. As well, through the diligent management of the leadership team, coupled with Board oversight, the Society controlled expenses, maximized revenue opportunities made available through the health measures, and leveraged government programs to manage finances and conclude the year in a reasonable position.
The difficulties of 2020 were made bearable in large part through the incredible network of support the Society and Centre are lucky to have, including the unparalleled strength of its internal network of staff and directors. Relationships with our title sponsor - Repsol, the City of Calgary, our Sport Partners, members and program participants allowed us to better navigate our way through the pandemic and place the Centre in a position to thrive when the restrictions are finally lifted.
In closing we would like to thank our stakeholders for standing by and supporting the Centre throughout the year. We look forward to the day when we can welcome everyone back to the facility and resume our world class slate of programs and services.
Forever active. Forever strong.
Alexis Teasdale Jeff Booke
Board Chair, LPSS CEO, Repsol Sport Centre
As a leader in delivering amateur and high performance sport to Calgarians, Repsol Sport Centre is proud to honour these amateur athletes with a total of $21,000 this year, funded by The John Currie Amateur Sport Legacy Fund. The application process evaluated the athletes across a broad spectrum of criteria including current performance data, coach recommendations, and personal statements. The LPSS Grants & Bursaries Committee designated 18 deserving amateur athletes to be recognized and financially rewarded for outstanding athletic achievement in support of their future training and competition goals. The honourees are a mix of Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls, veterans and up and comers, representing 10 Olympic and Paralympic sport disciplines extending from the pools to the track to the snow capped mountains.
The Repsol Sport Centre leadership team, staff and Sport Partner community look forward to a future event where we can pay tribute to the athletes in person.
Alexis Teasdale - Chair
Michael Devonshire - Vice Chair
Paul Ferneyhough - Treasurer, Chair/ LPSS Audit
& Finance Committee -
Kari Becker - Secretary, Chair/ LPSS Nominations
& Governance Committee
Bradley Squib
Christopher Miles
Florent Le Berre
Georgette McGrath Jukic
Jeff Booke
Keesa Colbourne
Melanie Leitch
Murray Sigler
Stuart Chalmers